Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another typical Government answer to a simple problem!

Here we go again. The government is proposing a 1 cent tax on every ounce of soda pop you drink to help fight obesity. Now there's a novel approach. Taxes! Read the AP article here.

Disregard the fact that American food is laden with every chemical, hormone and anti biotic ever invented. Why not do what most countries (like Holland, for example) do. Do not allow additives in food. What a novel idea. Food that is actually... food.

But, in Washington's warped minds (assuming lawyers actually have minds and hearts) taxing a problem is far and away the best answer to everything. Does anyone remember why we fought a little thing called the Revoluntionary War? It was all over King George trying to levy a tea tax of 1/4 of 1 percent!

We are overfed and under nourished. When Diana and I went to her former homeland of the Netherlands, I could not believe the taste of their food. It was awesome. You can actually eat a salad without dressing because it tasted so good! In two weeks of eating about everything in sight (including beer which I normally do not drink) I lost 12 pounds. Is this simple or what?

Incidentally, the best calzone I have ever eaten was just outside of Antwerp. Go figure.

Another proposal by our politicos in Washington adds their incredible 2 cents: (Read the article here.)

  • Recognize proven clinical interventions. Studies demonstrate, for example, that shedding just 5 percent to 10 percent of body weight can lower the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions.
  • Enhance the use of preventive services. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends obesity screening for all adults, yet studies show height and weight data often is not recorded during an office visit.
  • Foster community programs and polices that encourage and support healthy lifestyles. A community might design public spaces that accommodate walkers and bikers, for example, or sponsor a farmer's market to make fresh produce available to local residents.
  • Coordinate research efforts to improve the quality of care, show which interventions work in various settings and translate science into practice.
Nada. Zip. Zero. Nothing about the quality of food except high fat, high salt diets.

Anyway, let's talk about getting our food supply fixed. Ah, but I forgot, Monsanto and the rest of the purveyors of poison would lose money and we can't have that.

Oh, give me a break!


  1. The land of Supersize Me eats Food Products, not Food. Let's forget "Research" and "Health Care(Insurance) Reform" and work to support the producers of REAL FOOD so that health, organic food can be readily available in all corners of the US at bearable prices.

  2. In one of our earlier newsletters (see the online newsletters at we ran a list of organic farms.
    We strongly recommend that you support good health for your family buying your food from these farms.
