Saturday, November 28, 2009

Brain Food

Our brain is the single most important organ in our body. While there are many so called protocols that purport to increase brain function, like unsupported electronic technologies that supposedly "map" the brain waves and "readjust" the scrambled waves, a new product has appeared on the market. That product is Prevagen.

"Our brains contain calcium-binding proteins that protect our brain cells. These proteins deplete with age. Prevagen is the only all-natural brain supplement that can replace these proteins and prevent memory loss. In scientific studies, Prevagen protects cells by up to 50% according to the manufacturers. Keeping brain cells alive can result in a healthier brain, a sharper mind, clearer thinking and better memory."

It is rare in the extreme that I support a company's product, but this one appears to to actually work. If you or someone you know is suffering from memory difficulties, try it!

I have many clients with memory issues and this well may be the answer for them.
You can order Prevagen by clicking on this link.

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