Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mammography "avoidable risk of breast cancer."

Well, here it is...Thanksgiving. We have been a bit preoccupied lately and I want to apologize for the delay. Foremost, I want to wish all of our supporters, a truly thankful holiday. We know how so many are suffering from this "downturn" but be thankful we are here and not somewhere where it is really bad.

This week all across the country the Komen Foundation sponsored a three day Breast Cancer Research walk. More mony for research that proves nothing and only puts money in the coffers of the cancer industry. The women are incredibly committed, but the cause is flawed. If there was no more money in research a cure would be that much closer.

That being said, I did want to emphasize the importance of not having a mammogram done. This week, there was a huge backlash from the press for reporting that women from 40 on did not need a mammogram annually. The backlash only shows how hard the industry will fight to preserve its on agenda.

I strongly suggest you all read the following article and see what so may of us have already known and preached for so long. Additionally, Thermography is a real alternative. No pain. No radiation. No risk of cancer. But you will hear very little about this safe alternative that will detect cancer six years before a mammogram.

So my thanksgiving wish for you is that you read and learn and have an annual painless radiation free thermogram done. For a certified thermographer near you, see

Gobble gobble. (Why is the sound of a turkey the same as eating?)

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